The Academy will change your life. If you go down this path, just let yourself be guided and watch where it goes. Do not expect, just feel it with your heart and it will open all the gifts that the Universe wants to give you. Have a great adventure.


Participation in the second edition of the Academy allowed me to increase contact with myself, better understand the processes taking place in me at the emotional, energetic and mental level. The tools I learned supported my work on myself and – in a very positive way – helped me in “weak moments”.
Paulina is a demanding but very self-giving Teacher, who gently supports my processes and the work I do.
Working with Paulina and the group at the Academy deepened my interest in holistic healing, getting back to myself, and also reminded me of the possibility of working with my own body, e.g. through yoga.
I recommend it to everyone who is open to working on themselves and searching for deeper and more permanent ways to regain their full power and responsibility for themselves.
Thank you, the Academy will change your life. If you go down this path, just let yourself be guided and watch where it goes. Do not expect, just feel it with your heart and it will open all the gifts that the Universe wants to give you. Have a great adventure.

Gosia M.

For me, the Academy is a meeting place, Meetings with each other, with higher wisdom, with the energy of other Beings. It is a space where, thanks to the wise support and guidance of Paulina and the Group, you can safely meet yourself in every dimension, and thanks to these meetings you can develop your sensitivity and deepen your contact with your intuition. Jeet is a group process of purification and healing, serving each individual as well as the community as a whole. I would like to thank Paulina for her sensitivity, care, willingness to share her knowledge and the energy she puts into each meeting, the Girls for being in this together and myself for the decision to participate.


Participation in the Healing Academy was very significant in my life. At the beginning I started with a slight uncertainty, I wasn’t sure if I would find myself and if I had the power to start. After the first module, I started working, slowly during the whole year of the Academy I got used to new techniques. With each step I took, I discovered my gifts and strengthened my faith that this path was for me. The Academy educated me in practice, always starting with safety, my own and the person I work with. I have learned to see the subtleties and discipline needed to work with energy. We went through the whole process together, in a community of beautiful women. Our meetings were full of support and understanding. Thank you so much Paula for creating this space and learning opportunity. It is a wonderful experience that strengthens, guides and gives new beginnings.


Paulina, thank you very much again, I feel like everything happened yesterday. Once you mentioned motherhood, that it is a thankless role, because children will never understand the price that mothers paid for this act, it is impossible not to find a reference to your mission here. Only now did I realize what you really do. I also have words in my head that I do not see myself energetically yet, but you do. I can finally look in the same direction. Also, thank you for all the times when in safe mode I came in feeling like shit and left feeling like a miracle of existence.


When I came to the Academy, I wasn’t sure if it was something for me. My opinion changed after the first module and grew with every module – I couldn’t have made a better decision. The huge amount of knowledge Paula gave us, the ways to work with energy and the love she puts into her work made my life change. Each module was a challenge in breaking down my barriers, working on getting out of my comfort zone and at the same time a joy of development. Learning how you can help the other person. There is no way to describe it in words. The only way is to live this experience yourself – I recommend it with all my heart.


Ps. Thank you for helping me learn to cry 💙

The Healing Academy is the best thing that could have happened to me on my path of development. For me it was not only an opportunity to learn new skills, but also a process of maturation on many levels and a period of growth. I feel that I have finally stepped on the right path in life and connected with my inner self, potential and abilities. During the Academy I met wonderful people – my spiritual family – it gave me a sense of community. I look forward to what I will meet on my further path of growth and I am ready to help others. Paulina is the best guide for my journey into the unknown!


I can hardly describe what happened at the Healing Academy! It was simply amazing! I feel enormous gratitude. A wonderful transcendental experience. I recommend with all my heart to awaken the healing powers within 💙


Paula, you called us all to yourself, so that under your guidance we could safely open our hearts, put down roots, rise high and fall gently. Thank you for this female-focused circle, which gives support in moments of doubt, encouragement when we lack strength, inspiration, joy and love when there is a disturbing silence around. Thanks to you and the Academy, I started a transformation that nothing can stop now. I believed in myself and in the fact that miracles happen every day. Thank you for rekindling the fire. Thank you for your guidance. Thank you for revealing the mystery.


I am wholeheartedly grateful to Paulina for the Healing Academy. It’s hard to describe in words the whole process, but the amount of work, Paulina’s incredible knowledge as well as her excellent ability to sense each of us has made us grow. I feel that thanks to the Academy I am a more conscious person, I feel that I am on the right path towards my goal. Also thanks to the Academy I have met wonderful people who just keep on rising. The Academy is a compass, it helps us take direction in life and teaches us to “fight” and not give up if there are obstacles in our way. It gives incredible strength!


Participation in the Academy gave me tools for energy work and made me realise, above all, the importance of energy hygiene and expanding my consciousness. Taking care of myself. I went out of my comfort zone to finally find this comfort. Paula, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.


When you are searching for the meaning of life, you don’t know what to do with yourself. You meet your TEACHER @paulinakulikowska who shows you and reveals the path of your life. I have found myself. Following my own path of development, I am expanding my knowledge in @healinhacademy. It is here that I gain knowledge and experience to help others who are lost in life or want to change their lives.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the meetings, workshops and Healing Academy.


The Academy is a gift to me.
I once asked Paula if she would teach me how to work with energy. I thought it would be a way to help my daughters make their lives easier.
And I received a gift from Paula “The Academy”. A project that was for me, more secrets were revealed, I gained skills, experience and faith.
But the most important thing is that I understood – it doesn’t have to be easier for my daughters to live. Because it is not about “easier” it is about “living”. Everyone has their own easy/not easy path, life, but it’s important not to be alone.
And I am not alone. Thanks to the Academy I have a new spiritual family. Women who think, feel the same or maybe differently, but we are together with respect.

Paulie thank you💙


When I joined the Healing Academy I had absolutely no expectations, I just knew that I needed a deeper change. A change in my life, a change of perception of reality. And inner transformation. I joined as a person under deep stress, professionally burned out, lost and sad. During our meetings, in a wonderful circle of amazing women, I felt a new life coming into me. It is difficult to describe in words what literally happened during our meetings, but it can be described as opening and touching the worlds in between, quieting the mind and allowing the voice of the heart. The changes that were happening in my life, in me and in the outside world were happening naturally. Getting out of a toxic job, improving relationships in a relationship, healing my inner self were just some of the ‘magic’ that worked. On a physical level there has been greater attention to my body, nutrition, energy hygiene. On a heart level, more empathy and sensitivity to oneself and the world. The great thing is that we have gone from being complete strangers to sisters, friends who can always be counted on. Apart from the workshop, new acquaintances have appeared, people who support my development. Toxic acquaintances left and I invited the certainty that the universe always supports me. Paulina, our Shaman, surprises us with the vastness of the knowledge she imparts, the openness of her heart and her amazing abilities. To sum up: every woman in these times deserves to be part of this circle to live better for herself and others. Namaste.


The Academy brought a new quality to my life, a new group of wonderful people and opened me up to accepting what is good in life and enabled me to let go of what does not serve. The moment in my life when I stumbled upon the opportunity to take part in the project was critical and hopeless for me. I am extremely grateful for the change that has taken place in me, which has affected me and the space around me holistically. I know that the process I am in will continue and grow me in love and respect for myself and others. Thank you Pauline for your knowledge that you shared with an open heart, for creating a space for us all. Thanks to you I am on my path, in harmony with myself. This world needs guides like you, thank you for your gift and the blessings of the universe that have come down to me. Today I am in balance, harmony.


My impressions after completing the Academy are amazing. Each module complemented the next. Each convention was noticeably more transformative. The space that Paulina created was wonderful. We connected with each other, with the invisible, with the visible. We exchanged on many levels. Thanks to the knowledge she gave us, we were able to consolidate the energy and potentials we were working with. Paulina showed us attentiveness, sensitivity and sincerity. She was there for us as a group and individually. Thank you for the time together that connected us to ourselves and each other. Thank you for being and creating this creative space for everyone who is searching.