Energy Business Coaching for team managers

Your business success very often depends on the people who surround you and can either elevate your efforts and work for common achievements with motivation and belief in your values, or unintentionally sabotage your goals by staying unmotivated and unaligned with your energy.

This is the stage where you may need support in rebuilding your most valuable asset, which is your team and other people who share your goals, and find the energetical connection to do great things together again.

Who will benefit

The Team Garden path is dedicated to team leaders, managers, HR, CxOs, company owners, and startups who struggle with lower team motivation, a challenging environment, a high work pace and pressure.
The Team Garden path would be the right choice for you if you:

About Team Garden path

The Team Garden includes group processes and team problem-solving. You work on your individual energy leadership style, but we also get your team involved in their own work.
The program contains:

What is Energy Business Coaching?

Energy Business Coaching is a unique type of guidance that combines the principles of Energy work with business strategies. This approach helps entrepreneurs and business owners achieve success and fulfillment in their professional lives with natural ease.

The right path for you

Energy Business Coaching lets you choose among three alternative paths depending on what you need at that moment of your career and your personal challenges. Discover other options or just leave the decision until the first counseling where the Coach will advise you.


Individual program to elevate career path


Package for owners and top management